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Profile photo of a State Farm Agent named: Anna Gaudyn

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State Farm® Insurance Agent

Anna Gaudyn

Gaudyn Insurance Agency Inc

Office Hours

9am - 5pm
9am - 6pm
9am - 5pm
9am - 1pm
After Hours by Appointment


1409 S Roselle Road
Schaumburg, IL 60193-4914

Profile photo of a State Farm Agent named: Anna Gaudyn

Would you like to create a personalized quote?

Office Info

Office Hours

9am - 5pm
9am - 6pm
9am - 5pm
9am - 1pm
After Hours by Appointment
Call or text us 24 hours a day!


1409 S Roselle Road
Schaumburg, IL 60193-4914


English, Spanish, Polish, Russian, Ukrainian

     Dzien Dobry nazywam jest Anna Gaudyn i jestem Polskim Agentem w firmie State Farm, serdecznie zapraszam do naszego biura znajdujacego sie w Schaumburgu, IL na ulicy 1409 S Rosell Rd. po  darmowa wycene ubezpieczenia na samochody, dom, zycie, zdrowie ,biznes oraz ubezpieczenie na zwierzaki domowe. Zapraszamy serdecznie od Poniedzialku do Soboty. Jestesmy dostepni do Panstwa potrzeb. Oferujemy Polska obsluge w ubezpieczeniach oraz wycenach. Jestesmy w stanie ubezpieczyc biznesy, wykonawcow budowlanych, hydraulikow, elektrykow oraz ich komerycjne lub biznesowe samochody. Serdecznie zapraszamy po darmowe wyceny ubezpieczen. Dodatkowo nasze biuro jest w stanie ubezpieczyc Panstwa w Stanach Indiana oraz Wisconsin.

 I was born in Poland and came over to the states with my parents as a little girl. I always dreamt of helping people and I was able to turn my dream into reality when I became a State Farm agent. I have combined 14 years of experience helping customers protect their assets at State Farm Insurance. Becoming an Agent has been one of the greatest accomplishments of my life and I truly love what I do; working with families to properly protect them and what they worked hard for has been truly a blessing. Our office offers auto insurance, condo insurance, home insurance and renters insurance in Schaumburg, IL.  We provide free quotes for life insurance and health insurance such as  and hospital income to families all around Schaumburg, IL and surrounding suburbs such as Roselle, and Elk Grove Village, Itasca, Bloomingdale, Carol Stream, Hanover Park, Hoffman Estates, Bensenville, Streamwood, Bartlett, Rolling Meadows, Palatine. We can also assist in quoting your insurance needs in Indiana and Wisconsin. Our coverage and help does not stop there, we offer business insurance such as workers compensation and general liability insurance  as well as commercial umbrella and commercial auto insurance. We also provide free quotes on Business auto insurance, small business insurance, apartment insurance, contractors insurance in Schaumburg, Elk Grove Village, Hoffman Estates, Barrington, Wood Dale, and surroundings suburbs. Our goal is to provide efficient service so that switching over to our office in Schaumburg, IL will be pain free. Aside from our business hours we offer appointments on nights and weekends. I look forward to meeting you and building a lifelong relationship.

Insurance Products Offered

Auto, Homeowners, Condo, Renters, Personal Articles, Business, Life, Health, Pet

Other Products

Banking, Annuities

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The mission of our agency is to help customers achieve their life goals by minimizing everyday risk and being there for the unexpected.

Our team is able to assist bilingual customers who speak Polish, Spanish, Ukrainian, and Russian. We take great pride in servicing our customers in everyday insurance needs. Call us today to obtain a free quote for auto, home, life, health or business insurance.